How to find Public Folder Mailbox Location in ADSIEDIT?

In this article, I have discussed how to find Public Folder Mailbox Location in ADSIEDIT. First of all, what is ADSIEDIT in Exchange Server?

What is ADSIEDIT: ADSIEDIT utility is used to view and control objects and attributes in the AD forest. ADSIEDIT is required to configure audit settings in the target domain manually. It must be installed on any domain controller in the domain you want to start auditing.

How to find Public Folder Mailbox Location in ADSIEDIT?

You need to follow the below steps to check Public Folder Mailbox in ADSIEDIT.

In this article, I am giving the example of Exchange 2016.

Step 1 – Open adsi.edit then and go to Configuration –>Services –> Microsoft Exchange –> “Your Exchange Org Name.”

Step 2 – Now, Right-click on “Your Exchange Organization name.” 

Step 3 –Click on Properties and find “MxExchDefaultPublicFolderMailbox.”

I hope with the help of this article you can easily find Public Folder Mailbox Location in ADSIEDIT.

Amit Singh

Amit Singh

I am a dynamic Tech Enthusiast, specializing in various Microsoft technologies, including Office 365, Exchange, PowerShell, and Active Directory. I loved to helped customers worldwide design, implement, migrate, and secure Exchange and Office 365 through various roles for different employers, and more recently, as an independent consultant.